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A student-led group project from HIST 246

Progress Report

April 1st, 2011 by brb2

As Craig and Courtney mentioned, the three of us were introduced to the ArcGIS software on Wednesday afternoon.  After learning a little bit about the software and its possible applications to our project, we settled on three general areas that our project might cover, split up into two maps.

As has already been mentioned, one of the maps would be of Houston and possibly have two layers.  One of the layers would encompass locations important to Dowling’s life in Houston and the other would cover evidence of his legacy that is still present in Houston today such as his statue in Hermann Park and Dowling Street.  From what we learned, the software could easily be used to generate a layered map like this.

The second map would be of the Sabine Pass area and help illustrate the battle.  Like Courtney, I also tried to do a little research to get a better understanding of the geographical layout of Sabine Pass now and when the battle took place.  I wasn’t able to find a significant amount of useful information, so I think our group will definitely have to put a little more time into researching that so we can settle on a concrete plan for what our map of the area might include.

I believe our group has a good start, but we definitely need to finalize some details for our project.  I think the archive of articles that our class has already digitized may come in handy for assisting in creating a list of points relevant to Dowling’s life and legacy.  I will also do some more research at Fondren into Dowling’s biographical information before our group meets again to try and determine some more locations that might be relevant to Dowling’s life.

Progress Report 1

April 1st, 2011 by rjh4

I was unable to meet up with the group on Wednesday because of a prior commitment, but I was able to talk to the group and begin work on my portion of the project. At this point I believe that I will primarily be working on the map of the Sabine Pass site.

To do this part I have begun looking at maps and accounts of the battle trying to determine what actually happened, so that we can accurately chart the movements of Dick Dowling and the Davis Guards. I have begun looking at military history books in an attempt to find the best description of the battle. Also I have taken the steps to acquire topo-maps and navigational charts of the battle site so that we can get an accurate image of the geography of the battle site.

I believe that we still need to find finalized direction for the project, but we have a concrete start. Also I still need to go to the library and become familiar with the ArcGIS software. I think that the next time we meet all of the little things will get resolved and we will have a clear direction for the project.

Progress Report 1

April 1st, 2011 by Courtney Svatek

As Craig explained, three of us went down and learned the basics of the ArcGIS software. Although we are not quite settled on the details, we decided that while we have this state-of-the-art software within our grasp, we should make two maps: one of Houston and one of the Sabine Pass site.

For both maps, we plan to mark pinpoints relevant to both Dowling’s life and the impact he has left through posthumous memorials. It occurs to me now that we could perhaps make these as two separate layers on the maps, or perhaps do them in different colors. So instead of looking at the map and seeing a confused jumble of pinpoints, you could toggle layers or pick out certain colors, and view only the footprints that Dowling himself left, OR the various memorials to him.

After looking at the Sabine Pass area, we realized we knew little about it, from the actual geography of the battle to the layout of the area today. So I took it upon myself to look further into it.

To start off, I found a map from the University of Texas Library that should help us get a better mental image of the battle itself.

As for the battleground today, it is now a historical site: here is its official website. It is quite a low-key historical site; I took a browse using the embedded Google map here and, to be honest, it seems like a whole lot of nothing. There is no visitor’s center or any place to buy refreshments. I couldn’t find an actual map of the park, and even poking around on the Google satellite imagery, couldn’t locate the monument statue and “interpretive pavilion” that are supposed to be there.

If anyone can help me locate where these memorials are placed, that would be great. Right now, I feel like I’m flailing around in the dark!

Map Weekly Update

March 31st, 2011 by Craig Labbate

On Wednesday, Renee Courtney and I met up to venture down to the GIS data center at Fondren Library. (Ross had prior arrangements and had to sit the bench on this one) What we found was a huge amount of data that we could use to make the Dowling Map. Becoming acquainted with the GIS software presented the problem of depth. An effective map could not span the city of Houston and Sabine Pass. Thus we decided to make two maps and began to research what we would put on the maps.

The main thrust of the map, I thought, was to chronicle Dowling’s effect on Houston. So I began to search through the Dublin Metadata set and the City of Houston archive to look for articles that mention his statue/ his gravestone etc. I have compiled a list of these articles below (as much for my convenience) split into categories.

Although the actual format has yet to take concrete form, we hope that an integral part of the map will be a map of Houston superimposed with “pins” to designate significant locations important in Dowling’s memory. In addition, the grunt work of the project which will make it a real asset to the Omeka site is to hopefully link each of these pings to a page with primary source transcriptions, the scanned articles, and a short blurb on how each site relates to the life and memory of Dowling.

Currently, the project is still in its research phase. I have pointed out four major points that should be labeled on the map and at least one article relating to each.

St. Vincent’s Cemetery – DD0010a-c , with picture DD0044

Original proposed Monument site – DD0019

1939 move to Sam Houston Park – DD0016

1958 move to Hermann park – DD0018

Hopefully with a bit more searching, I can find the location of the Bank of Bacchus in order to introduce a bit more of Dowling’s personal life outside of the war into the map.

Archie P. McDonald

March 30th, 2011 by rjh4

Archie P. McDonald, Texas, All Hail the Mighty State. Austin, Texas: Elkin Press, 1983.

Archie P. McDonald’s book Texas, All Hail the Mighty State is a complete history of Texas spanning the entire history of Texas from the first native inhabitants until what Texas is today. The book includes a chapter on Texas’ involvement in the Civil war titled “Secession, Civil War, and Reconstruction.” In this chapter McDonald describes the actions of Texans, during the Civil War, including a brief description of the battle of Sabine Pass. Being a book written by a Texan primarily for Texans McDonald truly presents Dick Dowling as a hero. McDonald refers to the Battle as “Texas’ most ambitious battle,” (p 144) and even includes Jefferson Davis’ statement where he called the battle “the most significant action of the war.” (p 145) McDonald describes the events of the battle in quite bland terms compared to other accounts I have encountered, but he obviously holds the actions taken by the Texans in high regard. Citing the battle’s adverse effect on Wall Street stocks and on the Unions lines of credit with the British. (p 145) Though the account is not totally one sided as it mentions General Banks latter success in taking all of the Texas ports South of Galveston.

As I mentioned above the book Texas, All Hail the Mighty State is a history of Texas for those who love Texas. The book was published, in 1983, in Austin, Texas by the Eakin Press and appears to be a brief history of Texas and not a textbook. The book that I had access to was an ebook, through Fondren Library. By looking through The Handbook of Texas I determined that McDonald was a contributor on many works including histories of Texas, Biographies, and even an annual report for Halliburton. Also there is mention that sections of this book previously were featured in the Dallas Times Herald. The book depicts Texas heroes, like Dick Dowling, in a very favorable light. But I do not believe this account is overly biased in the way it depicts Texas History.

It is not clear weather any earlier or later editions exist as I was unable to ascertain the existence of other editions through the services provided by Fondren Library, but it should be noted that McDonald mentions a previous version that appeared at some point in the Dallas Times Herald.

The Transcription below comes from the 1983 edition of Archie P. McDonald’s book Texas, All Hail the Mighty State. The two portians come from page 144 and 145 respectivly.

Texas’ most ambitious battle occurred at Sabine Pass, a narrow inlet permitting access from the Gulf of Mexico to Sabine Lake, a saltwater empoundment of the waters of the Sabine and Neches rivers. Both rivers were navigable to rail lines. In September, 1862, Federal naval personnel forced the Confederates to abandon Sabine Pass, but it was soon reoccupied by an artillery battery commanded by Lieutenant Dick Dow-

ling, a Houston saloon keeper. In September, 1863, General Nathaniel Banks attempted to send seventeen Union naval vessels and a force of over 1,500 soldiers through Sabine Pass to attack the interior. Dowling’s guns sank or disabled two vessels in the main channel, thus blocking the way for the remainder of the ships and preventing the disembarking of the Union soldiers, who were then withdrawn to New Orleans.
The Battle of Sabine Pass was hailed by Jefferson Davis as the most significant action of the war at a time when he was grasping at straws after the defeats at Vicksburg and Gettysburg. The results even had a negative affect on Wall Street stocks and American credit in England. General Banks was more successful farther down the coast. His forces succeeded in capturing or controlling every port from the Rio Grande to just below Galveston, including Corpus Christi, Aransas Pass, and Indianola.


Library Assignment #2

March 30th, 2011 by Craig Labbate

Books Covered:

Katie Daffan, Texas Hero Stories: An historical reader for the grades. (New York: Benjamin H Sanborn & Co., 1908)

TR Fehrenbach, Lone Star: a history of Texas and the Texans. (New York: American Legacy Press, 1968)


When I began this library assignment, I was sure I was going to find a strong shift in attitudes over time towards Lt. Dowling and the Civil War in general. As we saw in the first archival assignment (link here), the Civil Rights movement appeared to change the public’s favored view of Dowling from a Civil War hero to a prominent Irish-American in early Houston history.  I was anxious to see a similar progression in the printed literature (non-periodical) too.   Thus I selected two books “Texas Hero Stories: An Historical Reader for the Grades” by Katie Daffan and “Lone Star: a history of Texas and the Texans” by T.R. Fehrehbach.  Both,with their emphasis on “Great Men” (Carlylean) history in Texas,  promised to give a portrait of Dowling pre- and post-Civil Rights.

The book by Daffan “Texas Hero Stories” was published in 1908 just after the wave of renewed interest in Dowling that culminated in his statue’s erection outside of City Hall in March 1906. In addition, Katie Daffan was five-term President of the Texas Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and a life member of its executive board.   With this background in mind and coupled with the book’s title of ‘Hero Stories’, I expected to find a laudatory tale of Dowling’s defense of Sabine Pass.

Unfortunately, and unexpectedly, I found no mention of either the battle of Sabine Pass or the actions of Dick Dowling. The book chronicles 12 ‘heroes’ of Texas, of whom three lived during the Civil War: Gen. Albert Johnson, Francis Lubbock, and John Reagan.  As her title suggests, Daffan’s prose drips with praise of these men and their devotion to the Confederacy. At the start of the war, she writes, “When the news that Texas had seceded from the Union reached [Gen Johnson] he resigned his command, though his surroundings were pleasant and he had grown fond of the West, and went immediately to Richmond, Virginia, where he joined the Confederacy” as a result of his devotion to the Southern cause. (Daffan, 115) She continues to describe his almost annihilation of Grant’s army at Shiloh where “victory was crowning every attempt made by the Confederates”, but his death removed “the center, the life, the very heart of the brilliant achievements”. (116)

Of Gov. Lubbock she writes “With less earnest, careful management during these dark days [of the Civil War], the people of our state would have suffered and our honor been sacrificed.”(123) John Reagan, “the Old Roman” was described as in love with “the whole great country and would have been glad for it to have remained one, with no division or strife, but he loved the South, and Texas the best of all.” (125) These three men encompass a broad view of the best of the “Lost Cause” : valiant “great men” who led the fight (literally and figuratively) against the Union, who acted as a result of loyalty to their state and for the honor (not slaves) of its inhabitants. Because the book was a “historical reader for the grades”, it acted in much the same way as the UDC’s Catechism of the Confederacy that Mercy Harper lectured about in class. These confederate men were role models –defenders of Texan pride–that young boys should emulate.

In my opinion, Dowling would have been an excellent addition to her book. His actions at Sabine Pass were in defense of his new home (Houston), and they were an example of how Confederate valiance defeated overwhelming odds (a theme Daffan reiterates constantly in her retelling of Texan independence).   It is a shame that Dowling is not included. His actions were in-line with Daffan’s view of a Texan Hero.  My only attempt to explain the omission was that Dowling was Irish and not a long-time Texan at the outbreak of the Civil War. Further evidence to my belief that strides made at integration during Reconstruction, the Irish were still not seen as fully “white”.

The other book I read was TR Fehrenbach’s “Lone Star”. The first edition of this book was published in 1968, after the Civil Rights movement so I expected the introduction of some of the social histories involved with the battle of Sabine Pass into the description of the battle.  However, this was not the case.   The book was compiled from a large array of sources dealing with the entire history of Texas and “was not written to destroy myths but so far as possible to cut through them to the reality underneath…to put things in broad perspective.” TR Fehrenbach,despite this neutral approach to history, is well-known as a scholar of Texan history and is the namesake of a book prize from the Texas Historical Commission. As a result of his neutral approach, the description about Dowling and the battle of Sabine Pass is concise and, to be honest, dry. It focuses purely on the military aspects of the Battle of Sabine Pass and not on its wider implications of the future of Texas.  His only indication of bias is his transition from the Indian Wars of the period to the Civil War where he writes “Against the Yankees, however, the Texan record was outstanding.” (369) A transcript is available below.

Not only is the 1968 version a mere recounting of the events at Sabine Pass on September 8, 1863 without hardly any social or political commentary, the excerpt does not fluctuate over time to reflect possible changes in scholarly trends.  The book was reissued twice in 1983 and 2000, however, they were, verbatim, the same as the 1968 edition with regards to Sabine Pass. I don’t believe this is because public and scholarly opinion was static in this time frame. On the other hand TR Fehrenbach writes in the 2000 preface “It has been said that each generation must rewrite history in order to understand it. The opposite is true.” In essence, Fehrenbach is ultra-conservative in disallowing modern trends to affect his interpretation of history. He even denies the momentous upheaval and swing towards social history caused by the Civil Rights movement. He says, in the same ed. 2000 preface “Texas, through the last half of the twentieth century, has suffered little ‘history’”.  I blame this as the reason why there is no shift in the description of the Battle of Sabine Pass.

Transcript of TR Fehrenbach’s description of the Battle of Sabine Pass as seen in “Lone Star: A History of Texas and Texans.” ed. 1968 Pg 369-370


Recognizing this as a weak point, where the Federal naval supremacy could bear, Admiral David Farragut and Major General NP Banks drew up plans for a major campaign in 1863. Sabine Pass was to be seized, and 5,000 veteran troops put ashore. Farragut and Banks hoped to repeat earlier Union successes at New Orleans and Mobile.

On September 8, 1863, four U.S. gunboats, leading a flotilla of 20 transports proceeded against Sabine Pass. This was a carefully planned assault, whose ultimate objective was the capture of Houston, Beaumont, and in turn, Galveston. At the very least, it was expected to open up a sustained campaign near vital areas of Texas. Major General William B. Franklin of the U.S. Army was in over-all command.

A small Confederate post, Fort Griffin, defended the Texas side of the Pass. Here Odlum’s Company F (Davis Guards) of the 1st Texas Heavy Artillery stood on watch. Neither Odlum nor his lieutenant, Smith, was present; the company, two old 24-pounder smoothbores, two 32-pounders, and two howitzers, and forty-two men, was commanded by the junior lieutenant, Richard (Dick) Dowling. IN the vicinity, also, was the Confederate steamer Uncle Ben and a detachment of infantry from Company B, Speight’s Battalion.

While the landing force of 5,000 stood offshore with its escort warships, the four Union gunboats moved up the channel and bombarded Dowling’s command. The shelling continued for an hour and a half. The Federal boats then withdrew, let the meaning of the bombardment sink in, and came back again. In similar situation outnumbered and outgunned Confederate posts had withdrawn.

With great coolness Dowling ordered his battery to withhold its fire.  He let the Federal warships come within 1,200 yards. Then, under heavy fire himself, Dowling poured fire from his old smoothbores into each Federal vessel in turn. The result was spectacular. USS Sachem was holed in the steam drum and fell out of action. Clifton’s tiller rope was carried away, and the gunboat drifted helplessly aground under Dowling’s battery. Clifton struck, running up a white flag.

Shocked and battered, the remaining flotilla raced back out to sea. The armada and its 5,000 invasion troops eventually sailed back to New Orleans.

U.S. naval forces lost two ships, 100 killed and injured, and 350 prisoners. Dowling’s battery was untouched. In a few minutes, Lieutenant Dick Dowling had fought the most brilliant and decisive small action of the Civil War. No Federal effort was ever made in the area again.

The outcome of Sabine Pass raised a great outcry abut [sic] the efficiency of the Navy in the North; coming with Bragg’s victory at Chicamauga. It gave the Union a severe psychological shock. US credit declined abroad; the dollar lost 5 percent of its value against gold.


Joseph L. Clark

March 30th, 2011 by brb2

Clark, Joseph L. A History of Texas, Land of Promise. Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1939.

The Battle of Sabine Pass and Dick Dowling’s role in the battle are both briefly addressed in Clark’s book.  It is mostly just a presentation of facts though, with little commentary.  The book does not editorialize about how heroic or impressive the Confederate victory was.  Clark does provide facts about how many men Dowling had compared to the Union side though, so it’s pretty clear that Dowling was the underdog in the battle (p. 345).  Clark only spends a few paragraphs total addressing the Civil War in Texas.

Most of the discussion in the book about the Civil War is related to reconstruction and how “radical” Republicans tried to impose their political policies on the South.  Clark clearly has a very negative view of Northern reconstruction policies and Republicans in general.  In fact, at one point, he makes the claim that whites and blacks in Texas would have found a way to get along following the Civil War, but the North interfered by setting up Union Leagues to help former slaves.  According to Clark, the Ku Klux Klan became active in Texas in order to offset the influences of these leagues (p. 349).  The problems between whites and former slaves in Texas are blamed solely on the “meddlesome North” by Clark (p. 350).

Fondren Library only had one edition of A History of Texas, Land of Promise by Joseph L. Clark and it was the first edition.  The book was intended to be used as a textbook because it included a place inside the front cover for pupils to fill in their name from year to year.  It was published in Boston by D.C. Heath and Company, which was a publishing company that specialized in text books.  It was first published in 1939.  At that time, the United States was nearing the end of the Great Depression and Hitler was becoming a growing threat overseas.

According to the first page of the book, Joseph L. Clark was the Director of the Division of Social Science at Sam Houston State Teachers College in Huntsville, Texas at the time the book was published.  In 1969, Sam Houston State Teachers College became Sam Houston State University.  According to the Handbook of Texas, Clark was a long-time history professor and administrator at SHSU beginning in 1910.  There is no mention of any other editor or compiler involved in putting the book together besides Clark.

Transcription from p.345-346 about Dowling and the Battle of Sabine Pass:

On September 8, 1863 Fort Griffin, a small Confederate post near the present city of Port Arthur, was in the line of operations of the northern General Banks.  He sailed from New Orleans to Sabine Pass with 5000 troops, intending to land there and move through Beaumont to Houston and then to the interior of the state.  As the convoys and gunboats approached the fort, fire was opened from the battery under the command of Lieutenant Richard W. Dowling, who had with him at the time forty-seven men of the First Texas Heavy Artillery.  Without losing a man, Dowling captured two gunboats with thirteen cannons, took 350 prisoners, and repulsed the other ships of the squadron.  Those that were not captured eventually returned to New Orleans.

Southern Emancipation

March 29th, 2011 by rjh4

In the book: “Confederate Emancipation: Southern Plans to Free and Arm Slaves During the Civil War,” author Bruce Levine attempts to rationalize the attempts made by the upper levels of Confederate government towards emancipation of southern slaves. In late 1864 and early 1864, the south began freeing slaves and arming them to fight against the North.

But why would the south who was fighting to preserve slavery emancipate slaves? Levine answers this question by arguing that it was a necessary action directed at preserving the CSA. Like the Union’s actions towards emancipation the CSA were forced to free slaves to use in the war effort. After crushing defeats in early 1864 the south was desperate for manpower, Levine also asserts that there was growing hostility in the south to the institution of slavery caused by the war. Levine notes the massive numbers of slaves who fled the south for Union lines, as a further point that frustrated southerners. Levine argues that the confederacy’s willingness to emancipate slaves was also partially related to the success of black Union regiments against the confederacy.

One of the shortcomings in the southern emancipation plan was the fact that slaves first had to be released from slavery by there owners, and then they had to voluntarily enlist in the Rebel army. Levine argues that because the slaveholder and the slave both had to agree to emancipation, the movement could never muster enough momentum to prove effective to the CSA war effort. Levine believes that a stronger stance on emancipation by the leaders of the CSA would have provided much needed relief to the Confederate Army, and they would have firmly established the movement towards gradual emancipation of slaves through sharecropping and gradually granted freedoms.

The southern actions never freed slaves in bulk; they could have represented a turning point in Southern Slave culture. The willingness of CSA lawmakers to emancipate slaves signaled a definite end to the institution of southern slavery. With the beginning of 1865 we saw the beginning of an end to slavery in America.

Sarah Jackson

March 29th, 2011 by Courtney Svatek

Sarah Jackson, A Child’s History of Texas (Austin: Eakin Press, 1974). Mary Ann Patterson, illustrator.

Sarah Jackson, A Child’s History of Texas (Austin: Eakin Press, 1999). Scott Arbuckle, illustrator.

As its title makes clear, this book is intended for children. The cartoon illustrations within take up more space than the relatively simplistic text. The book covers the human history of Texas from its earliest inhabitants up to the modern age, and devotes relatively little space to the Civil War. Indeed, while much space is given to the Texas Revolution, the Civil War seems rather glossed-over, forming, at least from this book’s point of view, a small chapter in an illustrious history of Texas. The book focuses much more on early exploration and modern points of pride, such as natural beauty and leading industries. The book, which was published in Austin, seems designed to inform young Texans about their state and foster their pride for it . A Child’s History of Texas was published in two editions, and while the text and content is very similar across them, the presentation is quite different. Therefore, I will describe both of them in turn.

The first edition was published in 1974. The illustrations are simplistic, mere black-and-white outlines, perhaps encouraging its use as a coloring book, although the book itself does not explicitly suggest that use. The illustrations are dispersed unevenly, sometimes appearing below or above a chunk of text, between two chunks of text, on either side, or taking up a whole page with a title or caption offered.

Since the second edition was published in 1999, I hazard a guess that Jackson may have taken it upon herself to seek a new illustrator to revise her work in response the the 150th anniversary of Texas’ statehood (1845-1995). While the text has changed little, this edition is much more organized. No longer could it be used as a coloring book; the illustrations are quite complete already. Each page is presented with a colored illustration at the top, a bit of text below it, and a smaller black-and-white illustration at the bottom. The illustrations are rather cartoonish but not simplistic; I find they supplement the minimal text quite a bit. For instance, while the text on the page titled “Battles in Texas” (transcribed below) gives no mention of the hardship of the war, the illustration below it shows two bedraggled men carrying a fallen comrade on a stretcher to a hospital tent, out of which a doctor leans, shouting “Next!” as if these horrible sights have become commonplace to him. A cannonball flies towards the men even as they carry their comrade to aid. Therefore, I think the illustrator deserves ample credit for cleverness, sometimes even subversiveness, in conveying what the text does not.

The Civil War, as mentioned above, receives relatively little attention in the book. The reasons behind the war are completely neglected, and Texas is explained as having joined the South because of heritage ties. It seems taken for granted that the child reader would already know a bit about the war, or could talk it over with parents or a teacher. Reconstruction is defined as a “period of hardship,” but is not dwelt on beyond this mention. Because they were brief, I went ahead and transcribed the pages having to do with the Civil War. The “Battles in Texas” segment is the only part of the book that mentions Dowling.

The changes I noted between the two editions were mainly editorial, simply changing wording. No significant change in tone or the way the information is presented occurred in the new edition. However, I did note a correction: the first edition claims that “on March 16, 1861, a special convention convened and voted to secede,” while the second edition gives the date as March 5. The first edition gives the number of men in the Davis Guards as 47, while the second edition does not mention the number (perhaps the author did not want to grapple with discrepancies that arise when defining the exact number).


Page 52: Under the text transcribed below is a picture of two soldiers in full uniform, standing at attention with their rifles held before them, staring each other down.


As war clouds gathered over the nation, Texas’ heritage and kinship lay with the South. Texas joined the Union as the 28th state. When she withdrew to join the Confederacy, she was the 7th state to do so.

Governor Sam Houston did not want Texas to leave the Union. On March 16, 1861, a special convention convened and voted to secede. Because he would not sign an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy, Houston had to step down as Governor. Edward Clark became Governor in his place.

Page 53: Sam Houston sits at a desk, his pen poised over a document and his hand thoughtfully on his chin, while his wife has her hands on his shoulders, evidently trying to comfort him. The caption reads SAM HOUSTON’S MOMENT OF DECISION. MARCH 16, 1861

Page 54: Beneath the text (transcribed below) is an illustration of cannons lined up, with the silhouette of a cavalryman in the distance.


The Civil War battles fought in Texas were the result of Union efforts to blockade trade and gain control of the seaports.

Galveston was captured in Oct. 1862. Efforts under General John B. Magruder in November succeeded in recapturing the city. Under the leadership of Dick Dowling, 47 men called the Davis Guards turned back 5,000 Union soldiers attempting to attack Beaumont and Houston.

Page 55: This page is an illustration of the Battle of Sabine Pass. On the water, a Union gunboat labeled “U. S. S. Clifton” seems to be spurting an inordinate amount of fire and smoke from its smokestacks. On a hill in the distance, the fort can barely be seen, with two smoking cannons peeking out. Splashes in the water and other explosions indicate the action. The caption reads: BATTLE  OF SABINE PASS. DOWLING’S MEN HELD OFF 5,000 UNION SOLDIERS.

Page 56: This page shows an illustration of a locomotive on railroad tracks in the upper left corner, roughly below the title but above the text. At the bottom is a map of Texas with labels and some illustrations to point out centers of industry such as lumber, cattle, and cotton.


After the surrender of the South in 1865, Texas again found her place as a state in the United States. There was a period of struggle known as Reconstruction. But the state moved steadily toward the economic gains and prosperity that makes Texas a leader in the nation. Much of the regained strength was based on the railroad.


(Note that the radical difference in page numbers is due not to a reduction in text content, but a condensation of illustrations, allowing for a shorter and more tightly-organized package overall.)

Page 35: The colored illustration for this page shows a full-body portrait of a CSA soldier on one side and a Union soldier on the other. Between them is an image of who we can assume to be Sam Houston, who we glimpse through a window, leaning over a writing desk and looking uncertainly at a document (doubtless his “oath of allegiance” which he ultimately refused to sign). Framing him are two flags, acting as curtains: the Union flag on one side, and the Stars and Bars on the other. The black-and-white illustration at the bottom shows people of assorted ages and walks of life lining up in front of a recruitment officer’s desk.

The Civil War

Texas had joined the Union as the twenty-eighth state. As war clouds gathered over the nation in the 1860s, Texas’ heritage and kinship lay with the Southern states. When the state withdrew from the Union to join the Confederacy, Texas was the seventh state to do so.

Sam Houston, at this time serving as governor, did not want Texas to leave the Union. On March 5, 1861, a special convention gathered and voted to secede (or withdraw) from the Union. Because he would not sign an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy, Houston had to step down as governor. Edward Clark became governor in his place.

Page 36: The colored illustration shows the Battle of Sabine Pass. We can see into the fort, where men fire cannons or carry things; everyone seems busy. On the river, Union gunboats are firing their own cannons and smoking from being struck. The bottom illustration shows two men carrying a fallen comrade on a stretcher into a doctor’s tent, while a cannonball flies towards them. The doctor leans out and calls “Next!”

Battles in Texas

The Civil War battles fought in Texas were the result of Union efforts to blockade trade and gain control of the seaports.

Galveston was captured in October 1862. Efforts led by Gen. John B. Magruder in November succeeded in recapturing the city. In the Battle of Sabine Pass, under the leadership of Dick Dowling, the Davis Guards turned back 5,000 Union soldiers attempting to attack Beaumont and Houston.

Page 37: The top illustration shows people standing at a train station, admiring an impressive new locomotive. The bottom picture displays men working to build a railroad.

On the Road to Recovery

After the surrender of the South in 1865, Texas again found her place as a state in the United States. There was a period of struggle known as Reconstruction. But the state moved steadily toward prosperity. Texas gradually became a leader in the nation’s economy.

Much of the regained strength of the state’s economy began with the development of the rail-road.

So-called Emancipation

March 27th, 2011 by Courtney Svatek

“Confederate Emancipation: Southern Plans to Free and Arm Slaves During the Civil War.” To judge a book by its cover, Bruce Levine’s work may seem to offer a vision of the South that Lost Cause supporters, and proponents of the Black Confederates thesis we discussed early in this course, have constructed and tried to keep alive: a South where a close bond existed between master and slave, such as the two would actually fight side-by-side. That the South would craft plans involving “emancipation” at all seems to suggest that they were quite more progressive than we are typically led to believe today. However, reading the book reveals quite the opposite situation. Bruce Levine uses his evidence to tear down rose-tinted Lost Cause idealizations and show that the Confederacy considered turning slaves into freedmen soldiers only as a last-ditch effort to retain power for the planter class; even if slavery had to be sacrificed in part or whole, the government hoped to salvage as much of the South’s social order – that is, the inequality between blacks and whites – as possible.

As Levine notes, many contemporary commentators throughout both the North and South dismissed the idea that the Confederacy might free and arm slaves as madness. After all, was it worth winning the war if it meant giving up the very reason they had gone to war in the first place? Indeed, such a policy makes little sense unless, as Levine argues, it had become a practical necessity. How could policy-makers in the highest echelons of government – including the president and the secretary of state – support a plan that seemed to go against all of their efforts so far? Levine argues that it was not madness which led the government to such radical ideas, but rather, a frank and realistic look at circumstances. Arming slaves, and holding up freedom as an incentive, was the most sensible and far-sighted method they could enact to try and preserve as much of the status quo as could realistically be maintained. “The plan’s architects were inspired not by doubts concerning the merits or justice of slavery and white supremacy, nor by a late-in-the-day decision to prize southern independence more highly than the social and economic foundations of southern life,” argues Levine. “Political and military leaders came to champion the use of black troops not despite their antebellum values but because of them. In pushing to enact this measure, they were trying to preserve as much of the Old South as they could” (153). With Union invasions and slaves fleeing in great numbers or committing various forms of domestic disobedience, realistic Confederates had come to see slavery as doomed, at least in certain areas. Only by winning the war could white Confederates at least retain political and social supremacy, and if blacks became nominally free, they would certainly not be equal. Levine shows that “Both Patrick Cleburne and Jefferson Davis had looked to a salvaged Confederacy to enforce strict limits on prospective postwar black freedom” (158). But the war could not be won without more manpower, for which the Confederate States were desperate. Thus the idea to draw upon slaves as soldiers was born.

Levine uses examples of similar situations in roughly the same time period to show that the situation of Confederate masters, while certainly unique, was not unparalleled in the history of the world. Like the ruling classes in Prussia and Russia, the Confederate government attempted to realistically face social change while still retaining as much of their own power as possible. They did this by trying to adapt the social change to their own needs and define it on their own terms. That is, rather than letting the Union conquer their territory and define freedom for their former slaves, they hoped to win the war, retain their independence, and let the planter-controlled Southern government define such freedom. Such “freedom” as they hoped to eventually enact could hardly be called freedom at all, and therefore such “emancipation” as they promised was hardly a gift. While freedmen would attain rights to receive an education, to organize their own churches, and would never again have to worry about spouses or children being sold away, they would still be subject to crushing inequality and limitations in their economic outlook. Bruce Levine believes that what Confederate states tried to enact as “black codes” shortly after the war provide a glimpse at the kind of “freedom” they would have offered blacks if the Confederacy had won its independence. For instance, this law from Lousiana, which came into being shortly after the war:

A newly enacted state law required Louisiana blacks to obtain “a comfortable home and a visible means of support within twenty days after the passage of this act.” Those who failed to meet that deadline would “be immediately arrested…and hired out” to “the highest bidder, for the remainder of the year in which hired.” Should said freedman leave his employer’s service before the year’s end, he would be apprehended and made “to labor on some public work without compensation until his employer reclaimed him.” Louisiana lawmakers also provided that a freedman’s children be assigned to the same employer and that if a freedman died during his term of employment, his children would remain in the employer’s “service until they are twenty-one years of age, under the same conditions as the father” (160-161).

Fortunately, this law (and many others like it) was blocked and repealed by the Republican government during Reconstruction – just as Southern politicians had feared. The harsh labor statutes of this and similar laws provided for a system that was little more than slavery.

Examining such labor laws is one way to show that Confederate “emancipation” would have been very limited indeed. But the most crucial point is that the Southern government would not have allowed blacks to vote. Therefore, not only were former slaves trapped under such laws; they were powerless to change them. Levine offers a quote which sums up “confederate emancipation” quite nicely:  “When we ‘have a white man’s civil government again,’ South Carolina planter William Heyward expected, the landowners will once more impose their will on black laborers, and the latter ‘will be more slaves than they ever were'” (162).

But how does the Confederate emancipation proposal compare with the Union’s efforts to free and arm slaves? Levine notes that the Confederate plan’s crucial weakness was its lack of spine, its tiptoeing efforts not to upset masters: it stipulated that the slaveholders must agree to give up their slaves to the Confederate cause. However, the government and army soon found masters less than willing; this tight-fistedness prompted outrage throughout the South, but did not change the fact that slaveholders simply were not about to give up their property. The Union’s conscription acts and emancipation proclamation, however, made no scruples to pander to slaveowners. These documents declared property in slaves to be simply lost, without compensation, and needed no permission on behalf of the masters. This enabled these acts to be highly efficient, in contrast to the Confederate counterpart, which never took off, and did not seem like it was about to unless altered, no matter how much time it was given to act.